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organic farm Bergerhof

we like to give you some interesting information about our organic farm




Most of us take it for granted that we buy milk, yogurt, cheese etc. in the supermarket without thinking about where the products actually come from. It is particularly important to us to give our guests an insight into agriculture and to draw attention to the origin of the products.


The Bergerhof is an organic farm at 1,350 m above sea level. We farm 6 hectares of meadows and 23 hectares of forest. There are usually around 20 head of cattle in our barn. We run the farm as a sideline. This means that we do not live exclusively from farming. There is hardly any full-time farming in our region. This is rather difficult due to the areas to be farmed.


In our barn you will find cows, calves, pigs and cats. We are very proud of our chickens and rooster Günther, who have enriched the Bergerhof since the end of April 2022.

Our cats are waiting for you around the house to be petted. ATTENTION: The cats are not allowed in the house.


Our cows are milked twice a day and the milk is sold to Tirol Milch. Good milk quality is particularly important to us, which is why we have not been producing silage since 2015. Our animals are fed exclusively with hay. Some of the milk remains on the farm. The milk at the breakfast buffet comes directly from our cows. Monika makes the yogurt herself with our hay milk.


In summer, the cows are on the alpine pasture in the Dorfertal and the young cattle spend the summer on the alpine pasture below the Blauspitz. Before they go to the mountain pastures, the animals are put out to pasture in the valley. The same happens in the fall, when the animals have returned from the alpine pastures.


In winter, the animals are regularly let outside to breathe in the fresh mountain air.

The fields around the farm are mowed twice in summer. The meadows on the alpine pasture and the mountain meadows are cut once a year.


In the winter months, our guests are welcome to visit the animals in the barn from 5.45 - 06.30 p.. Farmer Michael and old farmer Hansl will be happy to answer any questions you may have about farming.

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